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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What Pushes Your Buttons?

Every profession has these little thingies that pushes the guy/gal's buttons. When I used to work for fast food, so many customers would come and tell me a story about how they got a bad service from my restaurant in hope to get a free hamburger.. I asked one of them one day to get me the receipt, he jumped into the Dumpster, ripped one garbage bag open, and got me the wrong receipt!.. I used to get ticked off at somebody who is willing to do that.. Other customers did not even put any effort in making their lies intelligabile..

I did not work in the IT tech support although I have been in the industry for a while now, but heard a lot of several pathetic stories from my friends which are laughable.. Do you have a story to tell? Please, makes laugh!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

An IT guy who keeps telling me there is no problem with my labtop when it keeps crashing with word open!

5:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any guy who pretends that he knows what he is talking about when he does not!

5:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was leaving travelling with family and the smart a$$ Lufthanza guy wanted to disperse the family around the plane, 4 of them are kids!

5:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was leaving travelling with family and the smart a$$ Lufthanza guy wanted to disperse the family around the plane, 4 of them are kids!

5:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody who preaches morality and yet get caught stealing, cheating, and take drugs

5:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goerge W Bush thinks he is smart..

5:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The U-Haul guys!

5:49 PM

Blogger IT Kitty Cat said...

Definetly, arrogant guys and gals

5:50 PM

Blogger IT Kitty Cat said...

Also, the local news..

They really think we care about everything they report...

Hey, if there is no storm coming, cut the news and let me watch wreslting

5:52 PM

Blogger "Mad Mod" Mike said...

I don't see the point in news. Is your day going to change because of what happened in Europe? Knowing that there is a war going on in the Middle East, will that affect the way you act to people? Yea, it may increase gas prices (GWB did that enough already) but is it going to change you?

I think the news is worthless, it just brings people down and pisses them off for their day.

Anyways, onto the topic: I remember when I was in a tech class, the instructor wanted us to create a website for the class. We each created our own, and I created mine w/ CSS. The site looked very damn good, and it was called "Kaleeya" (my nickname at the time). I come in the next morning, and on my terminal, there is 5 IE browsers opened with and "Kaleeya" is being searched for hundreds of times. The instructor didn't believe I made the site and thought I stole it.

That guy always pissed me off.

8:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My first physics class in college, I scored perfect score.. The (explive instructor) did not believe I scored that without cheating and had me deduce couple of equations I used from the book.. He still did not give me full credit..

He made me hate school!

3:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What pushes MY buttons?

Waking up on the kitchen floor, covered in your own feces and vomit, the cat licking you, wondering where the various blood streaks on the wall came from, chicken feathers, ripped-out hair and styrofoam peanuts strewn about the house.

Not only that, also when you realize that those weren't girls the night before, but rather middle-aged Philippino cross dressing men with penchants for vodka martinis, nachos, and late night dance clubs.

Then, when your spouse walks in from visting her sister in Europe and sees you laying on the kitchen floor, being licked by the cat, and also sees above mentioned Philippino crossdressers (one apparently deceased) huddled, bound in leather straps and gagged with oranges in the corner and she freaks out you.

I mean hey, what right have you got to be mad? They aren't even women! So it's not like I was cheating on you.

Sheesh, sometimes women just drive me nuts.

9:35 AM


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