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Friday, August 25, 2006

Who is the man/women you wish you never heard of?

Some men and women have been pulicised so much to the point I want to throw up when I hear of them. You want examples? Rosie O Donald, Bill O Riely, Tom Cruise....

Who the hell makes you tick? Who makes you sick?


Blogger "Mad Mod" Mike said...

(I want to warn readers my comment is vulgar and contains excessive swearing)

I'm sick and damn tired of hearing about celebs and people in general. News to me pisses me off. Lately celebrities have made me wanna start a killing spree. A bunch of f*cking stupid @$$ celebrities retards lambasted Hezbollah and called them terrorists, just what we need at a f*cking time like this with the bullsh*t that's happening and the tension we have.

Celebrities need to shut their f*cking mouths. They have absolutely no damn say in anything. Celebs are nothing but worthless bastards (a handful are decent ppl) who need to shut up, make a movie, let me enjoy it or hate it, make another, and repeat until they die.

I also hate those damn people that are too f*cking cocky, act like they're a badass but they're nothing but a f*cking loser @$$ punk. I also can't stand those people that think raising the minimum wage somehows hurts business's. We all know there's so many fortune 500 companies paying employees minimum wage and god help us if it raises $1 an hour, oh nose!

Specific people I hate:

Jack Thompson: Ignorant sum b*tch who knows nothing about what he's talking about and needs to die.

Ted Stevens: Stupid old politician who needs to shutup and die.

GWB: Don't get me started on this guy, he's either really stupid or really smart. If he's really stupid, america is f*cked. If he's really smart, america is f*cked double time.

Meh, my rant is over. I'm a nice guy in person, as long as you aren't those I just mentioned :).


8:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree about most of that. even on gwb, but right now i'd rather have him than the other's about time they gave us someone to really vote on, instead of old men who are probably being pushed around like pawns.

6:51 AM

Blogger IT Kitty Cat said...

Yeah Mike, Right on.. Like I really need a skank ho's opinion on politics.. Celebs need to shut the you know what up!, do their job, and in a few years, get washed up. Take you 15 minutes of fame and move on!

As for politicians, I have not met somebody who is not corrupt.

Criminals should become politicians to get away with crimes!

7:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

GWB is an arrogant liar.. He lied us to war and still killing our soldiers and innocent people around the world..

No wonder why the world is trying to get us back..

You and I, buddy, are paying the price! If you travel abroad, do not tell they you are an American.

7:29 PM

Blogger "Mad Mod" Mike said...

"You and I, buddy, are paying the price! If you travel abroad, do not tell they you are an American."

Some asian areas love Americans, and in UK there's a little love. According to a recent report, 1% of UK citizens believe that the "war" in Iraq has made us safer.

I don't think for 1 second anything made us safer, but I could write an essay on what I feel is the truth about 9/11, Afghanistan, Osama, Iraq, etc.

12:12 PM

Blogger "Mad Mod" Mike said...

"i agree about most of that. even on gwb, but right now i'd rather have him than the other options..."

It's tough right now to spot the people who are there to help, hurt, and those there just cuz they are. GWB, in my opinion, is either a very smart person who is out for himself and to make $ through oil, or he's a very dumb mofo who needs to be slapped for not being able to string a proper sentence together.

12:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

GWB is a cartoon character!

Since when bullying the world saved a civilization.. Name one!

It is sad we are goind down that road, too.

6:06 PM

Blogger "Mad Mod" Mike said...

"Since when bullying the world saved a civilization.. Name one!"

It's not so much bullying, it's thinking that the whole world wants a democracy, which isn't true. Alot of people in countries (even in the USA) don't want the responsibility of having to vote, simply because A) they view it as too much responsibility, or B) they're afraid they'll be killed if they don't vote for who they're told to; defeating the purpose of elections.

11:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see an update Kitty :)

1:29 PM

Blogger IT Kitty Cat said...

sorry Guys,

I have been travelling for a while. I will post a new post soon..

9:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"sorry Guys,

I have been travelling for a while. I will post a new post soon.."

oo where ya been? :)

7:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who the hell is Rosie O 'Donald' :)

7:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need new posts :*(

3:53 PM

Blogger IT Kitty Cat said...

I travelled to the middle east.. Look for my experience on the next post

1:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rosie o Donald: used for neutering men!

1:55 AM


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