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Monday, October 16, 2006

Give me your 3 Wishes?

So, many people in most cultures have heard of the story of the Geni that comes out of some sort of a bottle and grant you three wishes. What is it that you would wish for? Money? Fame? End world hunger? Wish for world peace? Those are the most common artificial responses that we have heard. The truth is most of us are selfish and would wish for something different.

What would the rest of you homeys wish for?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) To be Ignorant

2) Lots of Money

3) Loving Girlfriend/Wife

1: Ignorance is Bliss -- That's not just a saying, it's reality. It's a very hard concept to understand, and most people just take it as "you don't know something" but it is much deeper than that. Ignorance is not knowing you don't know, and that reduces stress and worrying - 2 Major causes of health issues.

2: This speaks for itself. Money = Happiness, at least for those who never had it before. It takes away the issues of worry to a degree, such as worrying about bills (me), worrying if you'll have enough $ to eat this week (used to be me), etc.

3: This one, as well, speaks for itself. Having somebody who truly loves you by your side will give you meaning and hope for the day. Motivation is what keeps people going, makes them do humane things and makes the world a better place, something a Girlfriend/Wife (or Boyfriend/Husband) can do.

5:36 PM

Blogger IT Kitty Cat said...

very interesting insight Mike man!

12:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


That is deep!

12:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like to brag, but I feel my mind is full of too much information and knowledge of the world's workings, something that is a blessing and a curse; as of late, it's proven to be more of the latter than former can handle. People always say "Knowledge is Power" but too much Knowledge is Terror, at least in my eyes from my own life.

As I said, not knowing you don't know means you are happy with the way things are, you don't question because you don't have to, you are absolutely (to yourself) fine with the way things are, and in-turn makes things for you fine, thus your overall mental and physical health is perfect.

Whether what I say is considered "deep" or not, I can't agree or disagree. As the old saying goes, "I Calls 'em how I see's 'em" -- and most of the time, that doesn't cut it.

12:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah man! it is not complicated really.. The less you know, the less you have to worry about!

Take for example the fact that we know every day how our president is screwing us.. That is giving me more stress knowing that my money is working to make this world more miserable...

Less knowledge = less worry

11:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it much easier to live life if I am involved in something physical, out in the world doing something. It doesn't have to be a cliche "doing something good for the world" but rather something common, such as a laborous job. Working hard kept my mind on the job, and I concentrated 100% on it and my mind was able to rely simply on the job for support, and in-turn made my daily life much easier.

Soon after I left the job, things went way south, a common occurance for people. Than being unemployed for extended periods can hurt the morale of even the strongest man/woman. Those are haven't been employed before to laborous jobs or ones that involve leaving the house likely can't relate, but that is good in it's own right because they very likely have something themselves that keeps them preoccupied and helps them to keep healthy.

This goes much deeper into my philosophies, something that would take much more than this blog can hold to express. I only wish I there was a way to unknow or undo things in life, a way to go back to the good times, the times when nothing mattered....only the good sh*t happened and you could enjoy nature and the surrounding world. Long gone are the days of resting in peace, and here enters the days of personal/public chauvinism and power.

Maybe this is just my rant, maybe it is nothing but the tellings of a decrepit man, but sometimes I find in this life that the simplist of speech can provide all a man/woman needs to make it through.

People try to strive for a simple life and answers to their most hectic lives, but what defines you is what blinds you, at least some times. I believe it's integral in a person to continue in the ways they have been living in if it has worked for them. Change is inevitable, but that shouldn't shun on the darkside, as it implies, as change can be a great move to improving your daily life.

This has gone on much longer than simply stating 3 wishes, but I hope my words can give help to those in hindrance.


11:43 PM

Blogger IT Kitty Cat said...

Yo Mike.

you said "but what defines you is what blinds you"

That is an awsome statement.. I never thought about it that way.

12:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

End to sexually transmitted diseases.

5:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you end sexually transmitted disease, you end morality

5:48 PM


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