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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Predictions, Predictions, Hear all about it! 2007

So, 2006 is over man! I'd like to look forward and make some predictions for 2007 if I may:

- Intel and AMD will have same market shares as the one exitting 2006. Why, you say? Well, mainly because of OEMs, not because of technology! IBM/HP/Lenovo/Dell will pit Intel against AMD and vice versa. They will squeeze more money of their bottom lines. Intel and AMD will sell more but make less!

- Dell will not recover the #1 PC company spot from HP. Not even with AMD. Why, you say? Well, Apple is a bigger problem for Dell than HP and Dell will still have the same crappy customer support and cheap laptops that decompose in month #2 after purchase. Apple will creep up on Dell like the Japanese cars creeped up into America's big 3 auto-companies market.

- nVidia seems to gain the most in 2007.

- Voodoo PC is dead for sure in 2007. Rahul will even stop posting his blogs!

- Google will start losing steam. I would sell my google shares now except I do not have any.

- Yahoo will continue to decline.

- Vista will not pick up sales as fast as window 2000

- Microsoft Zune. What was that again? Microsoft will not try this again!

- Play station 3 will be the hottest seller in Q4. Xbox 360 will go back to 0.

So those are my 2 cents on 2007. What are your predictions?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. My biggest prediction is that Vista won't sell very well this year. I think it'll tank. It doesn't really offer anything new in terms of functionality and has high system demands and costs a small fortune. Look for Vista to door so poorly that MS will have to offer strong incentives.

2. Next up, I think Dell will lose a lot of market share to independent builders. I don't think HP will gain any market share in the PC manufacturing industry either.

3. Next, look for AMD to have a tough year. They've been coasting along for the past couple years on innovation, but this year Intel has kicked into high gear and is always one step ahead of AMD and humbling them routinely for the past six months. Since K8L is a pipe dream still, don't expect anything big from AMD this year.

4. I agree, nVidia has the most to gain this year. They've been sitting back fairly quietly, but they will need to make some sort of bold move to counteract anything that happens between AMD/ATI.

5. Google will get stronger this year by acquiring new technologies to fit into it's portfolio. I'll expect more personal web space integration, and probably free web site hosting with tons of options that other providers can't match or beat.

6. Consoles will lose steam after the PS3. They can't keep up to the processing power that a computer can offer, and their lower screen resolutions (TV's) have hit a wall.

New functionality in consoles will be crucial, and Wii will be a serious thorn in Sony and Miscrosoft's sides.

7. HD DVD will win the fight over Blu-Ray.

8. High end PC builders like Voodoo and Falcon and Alienware et al will slowly die off. The horse race between Intel and AMD will kill these companies, since a ten percent overclocking gain in a multicore system means very little for the average user.

9. Look for software innovations to take advantage of multicore processing beyond OS limitations. We will see a whole new breed of adaptive software layers specifically for multiple cores.

10. I expect a lot of useless tech report websites to go down in flames due to the abundance of high quality blogs without all the advertising crap. Bye bye INQ, Anand, etc.

7:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Predictions:

- AMD will have a tougher year 2007
- The INQ will lose many readers
- nVidia will rule the graphics world
- Google will grow but a much slower rate
- Cisco will do better than last year
- IBM will be stagnant
- Dell will continue a downfall
- Apple market share will grow faster in Macs and slower in iPods
- GM/Ford/Chrysler will continue to lose market share to the Japanese and Koreans
- Bush will send more troops and more soldiers will be killed
- Cheney will have a heart attack again
- Oil prices will balloon up (thank bush for that)

11:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

one thing for sure, VoddooPC and Alienware are dead

10:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

VISTA will not pick up steam this year

10:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dell will lose more market share

10:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It will definetly be a tough year for AMD

11:43 AM


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