This is a place for IT pros and bloggers to unwind, state opinions, rant, and rave about anything..

Friday, August 25, 2006

Who is the man/women you wish you never heard of?

Some men and women have been pulicised so much to the point I want to throw up when I hear of them. You want examples? Rosie O Donald, Bill O Riely, Tom Cruise....

Who the hell makes you tick? Who makes you sick?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Hottest Person

I know you geeks love computers, but I bet there is a fantacy girl/guy that you adore and wish to spend even five minutes with.. Who is it? Who is hot and who is not? Who can make you stop typing and start drooling?

Come on, Be frank with me!

Friday, August 11, 2006

PC Fanboys/girls are Similar

Being a PC nerd / enthusiast, I found out that may people who prefer brands, that I do not, have a lot on common with me. We probably read the same paper/site, have the same buying habits, enjoy the same hobbies, watch the same movies, ..

I want to prove it. Identify your favorite brand and tell us what food you like, favorite car, favorite sport and team, favorite movie, favorite actor/actress, favorite hobby.. You do not have to list all these, just what you feel like sharing with us.. This is the blog where you do not have to prove your point.. just relax!

Here are my favorites:
Favorite PC: HP
Food: BarBQed shish kabob
Car: BMW
Sport: Basketball, Team: San Antonio
Movies: Hackers, Enemy of the State, Toy Story, The good the bad and the ugly
Actor: Robert Dinero
Hobby: Reading

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What Pushes Your Buttons?

Every profession has these little thingies that pushes the guy/gal's buttons. When I used to work for fast food, so many customers would come and tell me a story about how they got a bad service from my restaurant in hope to get a free hamburger.. I asked one of them one day to get me the receipt, he jumped into the Dumpster, ripped one garbage bag open, and got me the wrong receipt!.. I used to get ticked off at somebody who is willing to do that.. Other customers did not even put any effort in making their lies intelligabile..

I did not work in the IT tech support although I have been in the industry for a while now, but heard a lot of several pathetic stories from my friends which are laughable.. Do you have a story to tell? Please, makes laugh!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

What do you IT bloggers do with time outside the little box?

So, guys.. What do you do on your spare time when you are not attached to your screens? What interest you? What are your hobbies?

IT life style is definitely unique. It is different that Engineers, Doctors, or any other profession's life style..

I, myself, like reading, hunting, watching sports such as basketball, and football... Baseball and golf are freaking boring..

I am not a good planner.. I do not plan for an event.. I just do it..And when I get with nerds like me, I can not help but talking about the IT industry.. It is a bad habit.. Do you do the same? Come on, be honest..

It is your turn.. Tell me what you like for fun and how often do you do it?

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hi All IT Bloggers

I created this new blog for the serious IT pros to come and unwind from their daily life. You can discuss anything here. Come and tell me about you! what interests you? you are free to rave and rant.. Keep comments civilized.. This blog is not for tight ass paranoids.. This is for fun loving people. If you have an opinion you feel strong about it, bring it, discuss it, and refute others..

Just remember to be civilized!

Have fun